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ApexSQL Refactor SQL Server

Features ApexSQL Refactor

  1. Format SQL with over 160 options

  2. Qualify objects and expand wildcards

  3. Encapsulate SQL into procedures

  4. Add surrogate keys

  5. Replace one-to-many relationships

  6. Change procedure parameters

  7. Safely rename SQL objects

  8. Locate & highlight unused variables

  9. Format SQL objects

  10. Obfuscate SQL

Link ApexSQL Refactor : apexsql_refactor

My Template xml ApexSQL Refactor


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Totolink N300RT

Panduan singkat install OpenWrt Totolink N300RT Download FrmUpg : Putty : Frimware totolink v2.1.6 : Bootloder boot96E_32M: OpenWrt  : A. Downgrade Frimware Totolink ke v2.1.6 Dalam router dalam keadaan mati tekan Tombol Reset lalu hidupkan power. tunggu sampai lampu indikator lan berkedip. Matikan Firewall dan Buka FrmUpg.exe dan colokan LAN ke Port 1,2,3,4 Di Frimware File pilih file Totolink v2.1.6 dan klik send, Tunggu sampai prosess selesai lalu restart router, cek apakah sudah berhasil downgrade. B. Upgrade OpenWrt Ulangi langkah no 1, Pilih file bootloder boot96E_32M. klik send. tunggu sampai selesa...

How to customize tab colors in SSMS

Applies to ApexSQL Complete Summary This article describes how to set a custom connection color to a query tab in Microsoft  SQL Server Management Studio  (SSMS) using a feature called  Tab coloring  in ApexSQL Complete. Description Tab coloring can set custom connection colors for individual instances of SQL Server, down to the database level. The user has ability to assign SQL servers, and databases to a specific environment to help quickly identify which connection a tab is currently using.

DemoHelper tool buat Coret-coret Layar Komputer

Salah satu tool untuk membatu presentasi.  Sample : Zooming Mode up zooms in down zooms out enter or left mouse click activates drawing of the zoomed area escape cancels zooming mode Zooming is also possible using the mouse wheel. Drawing Mode up/down or Ctrl+Mousewheel increases/decreases the size of the drawing brush right or Mousewheel cycles through the available brush colors 0-9 select the brush colors Shift while drawing forces horizontal/vertical drawing Control while drawing drawing straight lines right mouse-drag draws arrow lines right mouse-drag with control key pressed draws straight lines escape quits drawing mode backspace removes the last line drawn delete removes the first line drawn E removes all drawn lines M toggles the marker on/off T toggles between solid and merged drawing Z select a rectangle to zoom in C clears the screen with the background color