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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2017

How to Install and Use Octopress on Windows

A quick and easy 6 steps tutorial to get up and running with octopress and github pages NOTE:  As a pre-requisite you should make sure you have a public github repo with the name : Step 1: Install Chocolatey Got to Open a command prompt cd to  c:\ Paste in and execute the following code from chocolatey home page Install Chocolatey 1 2 3 @ powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString( '' ))" && SET PATH = %PATH% ; %systemdrive% \chocolatey\bin This will install chocolatey in  C:\Chocolatey Step 2: Make sure Git is installed or install it via Chocolatey Install Git with Chocolatey 1 choco install git To check that git is installed close and reopen a command prompt and run the following command: Check Git version 1 git --version You should get  git version ...